UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
Command format:
:MEASure:VTOP? [<source>]
Functional description:
Measuring the top value of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as CHANnel1,
CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.
Return format:
Query return 3.120e000
unit is V.
Command format:
:MEASure:VBASe? [<source>]
Functional description:
Measuring the bottom value of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as
CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.
Return format:
Query return-3.120e000
unit is V.
Command format:
:MEASure:VMIDdle? [<source>]
Functional description:
Measuring the middle value of the specified channel waveform,<source> take value as
CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4. Ignore means the current channel.
Return format:
Query return0.120e000
unit is V.
Command format:
:MEASure:VAVerage? [<interval>][,<source>]
Functional description:
Measuring the average value of the specified channel waveform, <source> take value as
CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3, CHANnel4 and MATH. If there has no designated <source>,
the current channel as <source> by default; <interval> appoint the measurement separation, take
value as CYCLe and DISPlay, CYCLe presents integer cycle period, DISPlay presents full screen.
If there has no designated <interval>, take DISPlay by default.
Return format: