UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
Return format:
Query return 5.000e-003
unit is s.
Command format:
:MEASure:FFR? <source1>,<source2>
Functional description:
Measuring time between the first fall edge of <source1> and the first rise edge of <source2>,
<source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4.
Return format:
Query return 5.000e-003
unit is s.
Command format:
:MEASure:FFF? <source1>,<source2>
Functional description:
Measuring time of the first fall edge between <source1> and <source2>, <source> take value as
CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4.
Return format:
Query return 5.000e-003
unit is s.
Command format:
:MEASure:LRR? <source1>,<source2>
Functional description:
Measuring time between the first rise edge of <source1> and the rise edge of <source2>, <source>
take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4.
Return format:
Query return 5.000e-003
unit is s.
Command format:
:MEASure:LRF? <source1>,<source2>
Functional description:
Measuring time between the first rise edge of <source1> and the first fall edge of <source2>,
<source> take value as CHANnel1, CHANnel2, CHANnel3 and CHANnel4.
Return format:
Query return 5.000e-003
unit is s.