UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
set the time interval of slope trigger as 1s
query return1.000e000
Command format:
Functional description:
Set the threshold mode of slope trigger.
Return format:
Query return{LOW|HIGH|LH}.
For example:
set the threshold mode of slope trigger as HIGH
query return HIGH
Runt Trigger
Command format:
:TRIGger:RUNT:QUALifier {GREaterthan | LESSthan | EQUal | NONE}
Functional description:
Set time term of low level, GREaterthan, LESSthan, EQUal and NONE.
Return format:
Query return{GREaterthan | LESSthan | EQUal | NONE}.
For example:
set the slope term as GREaterthan
query return GREaterthan
Command format:
:TRIGger:RUNT:POLarity {POSitive | NEGative}
Functional description:
Set the polarity of low level, POSitive and NEGative.
Return format: