UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
:WAVeform:VOLtage:FORMat BYTE
return format of waveform data is single byte mode
query return BYTE
Command format:
{CHANnel<n> }
Functional description:
Set signal source of the cuurent query waveform data
Return format:
Query return{ CHANnel1 |
CHANnel2 |
CHANnel3 | CHANnel4 }.
For example:
:WAVeform:SOURce CHAN1
set signal source of the current query waveform data as channel 1
query return CHANnel1
Command format:
:WAVeform:POINts <points>
Functional description:
Set return waveform point, the default value is 0.
Return format:
Query return waveform point.
For example:
:WAVeform:POINts 120
set return waveform point as 120
query return 120
Command format:
Functional description:
To read waveform data of the specified data source.
Return format:
Query return:WAVeform:POINts the specified quantity of waveform data, waveform data source
is related with :WAVeform:SOURc, data format is related with WAVeform:FORMat, returns data
is conform to format of binary data IEEE 488.2 # format.