UPO 3000E&UPO2000E Series Oscilloscope Programming Manual
For example:
N edge trigger
query return NE
Command format:
Functional description:
Execute the command if the oscilloscope has no apporiate trigger term. Force the oscilloscope to
produce a trigger signal to trigger and display the input waveform.
For example:
force trigger
Command format:
Functional description:
Select trigger sweep mode.
If there has no trigger term, internal will produce trigger signal to force trigger
Trigger only when in trigger term
In trigger term, trigger one time and stop
Return format:
Query return trigger sweep mode {AUTO|NORMal|SINGle}.
For example:
set channel 1 as auto trigger mode
query return AUTO
Command format:
Functional description:
Set trigger level on the vertical center point of signal amplitude.
For example:
set trigger level on the center point