What Types of Experiments Can I Perform with the LTQ XL MS Detector?
LTQ XL Getting Started
Thermo Electron Corporation
Figure 3.
Total Ion Map page in Instrument Setup, showing a template that contains parameters for an Ion Mapping
In a Total (or full scan) Ion Mapping experiment, you get product ion scans
for each parent ion, so you can determine which parent ions lost a particular
fragment to yield a particular product ion. Furthermore, you can determine
which parent ions are related to specific product ions. For example, you can
map the spectral peaks in a mass range from
400 to
2000 and
specify to scan for MS/MS product ions in incremental steps of every
mass-to-charge ratio, every fifth mass-to-charge ratio, or every tenth
mass-to-charge ratio.
A Neutral Loss Ion Mapping Experiment collects scans for masses that have
lost neutral fragments. As with Full Scan Ion Mapping, you can get product
ion scans on every parent ion. However, a Neutral Loss Ion Map identifies
which parent ions lost a neutral fragment of a particular mass. For example,
you can specify a neutral loss of 80 u (as in the case of a phosphorylated