Instruction manual for MH & MH+M
The software requires to move the probe inside the bore
The software activates the information LED in the probe’s zone
The software displays a graph helping with positioning
One of the graphs helping with positioning is displayed as follows:
This graph allows to display the minimum/maximum position in memory as well as the
difference between the current probe position and this maximum/minimum value. This
delta value enables the fine positioning of the probe when it is very close to the point
to be measured.
Note that the key
allows to change from one type of graph to another according to
the user’s wishes.
6. The probe is now in contact with the workpiece, on one side of the culmination point.
The next step is to move in direction of the culmination point to be detected until the
delta value increases (which means that the probe moves up in the bore, on the
opposite side of the initial position regarding the culmination point).