Instruction manual for MH & MH+M
Then the piece is rotated by a wished angle (in our example the part is rotated by 90°) in order
to position the part good enough to measure the second Y (or Z) coordinates.
Once rotated, all same elements have to be measured again in a similar sequence as the one
followed previously for Y coordinates measurement.
(Y;Z) coordinat
es of each element is called “raw data”. It is from these values that calculation
will be performed. The analysis is the last step of the process.
19.3 Two
For each axis or bore measurement, the user has the possibility to find the element centre
height following two processes:
Without looking for the culmination point
On MICRO-HITE+M this way of doing corresponds to the
button of the panel keyboard.
This process is the mean to determine quickly the centre coordinate without getting the
diameter of the measured element. Indeed, the below graph shows a H coordinate research
measuring option. The probe is probably not centred in the bore. Therefore the