4.1.4 Server register
The server register is used for storing the contact details of the monitoring servers and receivers
and to facilitate quick remote connecting to the devices.
In the “
Server register
” menu you can
record your monitoring servers and receivers, and then you can associate these with the devices
in the “
Device register
” menu, when recording the contact details of your devices. You can add
new server or receiver contact details to the database and also edit, delete and clone entries for
easy adding of servers or receivers with similar contact details.
Function buttons av
ailable in the “
Server register
” menu:
: update the records from database
: add new server or receiver
: clone entry (duplicate)
: edit entry
: delete entry
Data stored by the server register:
Server/receiver name
: custom server/receiver name.
Server/receiver address
: the IP address or domain name of the server/receiver.
: the communication port number of the server/receiver.
: the communication protocol used by the server/receiver.
Server password
: for the TEX protocol the 20 hexadecimal-character server password (5x4
characters separated by hyphen) is required.
: in this field you can enter custom comments related to the given server/receiver.