1- 22
WVR6100, WVR7000, and WVR7100 Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1- 32: Eye Diagram Display characteristics (Cont.)
Reference information
Performance requirement
Eye Derived Measurements (Option PHY
Option measurements include:
Eye Amplitude, Eye Risetime,
Eye Falltime, and Eye Risetime --
Eye Amplitude Measurement Accuracy,
10 mV relative to cursor measure-
ment on displayed eye.
Measurements are valid on a clean
signal only. Excess jitter, overshoot
or other aberrations will reduce the
accuracy. Absolute accuracy is
limited by Vertical Scale Accuracy.
Eye Risetime / Falltime Measurement
Accuracy, typical
20 ps relative to cursor measure-
ment on displayed eye.
Measurements are valid on a clean
signal only. Excess jitter, overshoot
or other aberrations will reduce the
accuracy. Absolute accuracy is
limited by the inherent rise time of
the eye display.
Equalized Eye Display
Shows eye from input after it has
gone through equalizer.
Allows limited use of eye at long
cable length. Equalizer adds some