WVR6100, WVR7000, and WVR7100 Specifications and Performance Verification
1- 3
Table 1- 3: Waveform sweep (horizontal) characteristics (Cont.)
Reference information
Performance requirement
Sweep Rates
1, 2, 3 or 4 line; field; or 2 fields (depend-
ing on mode).
Some rates only available in parade
1 Field sweep displays one full field, in-
cluding field rate sync. 2 Field sweep dis-
plays two full fields and the field rate sync
between them.
Sweep Rates, Mag
Mag occurs around center of sweep.
Two line and two field Mag modes
optimized to display blanking intervals.
Mag from 8X to 50X for line sweeps,
depending on format and mode. Mag is
20X for field sweeps.
Horizontal Position Range
Any portion of the synchronized sweep can
be positioned on screen in all sweep
modes. Any portion of the sweep can be
set to the middle of the screen in non-
magnified mode.
Table 1- 4: Component vector mode characteristics
Performance requirement
Reference information
Vector Display
is displayed on the horizontal axis and
is displayed on the vertical axis.
Vector Position
Graticules and waveform move together
with position controls.
Range sufficient to put any bar target in
center of screen at all gains.
Variable Gain
Variable affects waveform amplitude
relative to graticules.
Displayed Horizontal and Vertical Gain
X1 Gain
X5 Gain
Limited by display resolution, measured
using Graticules or Cursors.
Display to Graticule Registration
Centered in target,
0.25 box diameter
at 1x gain,
0.1 box diameter at 5X gain.
Graticules expand when in x5 mode.
Boxes are 2% targets.
Bandwidth, typical
SD filter meets STD--205.
800 kHz
4.5 MHz