The built-in RS-485 can support the following communication protocols:
Modbus communication protocol
BACnet communication protocol
The communication port RJ45 (S+, S-) can be used to monitor, control, program and trouble-shoot the inverter.
Modbus communication can perform the following operations, independent of the frequency command selection
(00-05) setting and Operation command selection (00-02) setting:
Monitor inverter signals
Read and write parameters.
Reset fault
Control multi-function inputs
Modbus RTU 8 bits data only (09-05).
Modbus (RS-485) communication specification:
Communication type
Asynchronous (start - stop synchronization)
Communication parameters
Baud rate: 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 bps
Data Length: 7 or 8 bits
Parity: options of none, even and odd bit.
For even and odd selection stop bit is fixed at 1 bit.
Communication protocol
Modbus RTU / ASCII
Number of inverters
Maximum 31 units
Communication wiring and setup
(1) Turn off power to the inverter.
(2) Connect communication lines of the controller to the inverter (RJ45).
(3) Turn power on.
(4) Set the required communication parameters (09-00) via the keypad.
(5) Turn off power to the inverter and wait until keypad is completely off.
(6) Turn power on
(7) Start communication between controller and inverter.
Modbus (485) communication architecture
(1) Modbus communication configuration uses a master controller (PC, PLC), communicating to a maximum of 32
(2) The master controller is directly connected to the inverter via the RS-485 interface. If the master controller has
a RS-232 port, a converter must be used to convert the signals to RS-485 to connect the master controller to the
(3) A maximum 32 inverters can be connected to a network, following the Modbus communication standard.
Communication Parameters:
Inverter station addresses: Range 1-32