9. Error Messages and Troubleshooting
Instructions for Use for INFINITE M1000 PRO No. 30064852 Rev. No. 1.0
Error #
Error Text
ERR: 63 Polarization steploss
Polarization steploss.
Switch instrument off and on, if error persists contact your local Tecan
customer support office.
ERR: 64
Invalid wavelength
Wrong wavelength settings for Absorbance scans.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 65 Lamp low
Insufficient light on reference fiber.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 66 Em data overflow
Emission data overflow.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 67 Ex data overflow
Excitation data overflow.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 68 Error load position
MTP not in load position.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 70
Error stacker not
Stacker not ready.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 71 No injector needle
No injector in the instrument.
ERR: 72 Stacker error
Stacker error.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 73 Flash CNT error
Flash counter error.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 74
Checksum Error
Checksum error on excitation data channel.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 75
Checksum Error
Checksum error on emission data channel.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 76 CAN device error
CAN device error.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 77 Module not enabled
Module not enabled.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 78 Check GRATE error
Grating not stable.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 79
Check GRATE error
Grating difference at excitation.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 80
Check GRATE error
Grating not moving at excitation.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 81
Check GRATE error
Grating difference at emission.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 82
Check GRATE error
Grating not moving at emission.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 83 Check no plate
No plate on transport.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.
ERR: 84 Check no plate detect
No plate detection.
Please report this error to your local Tecan customer support office.