4. Optical System
Instructions for Use for INFINITE M1000 PRO No. 30064852 Rev. No. 1.0
4.4.1 Luminescence
The Z-position of the luminescence fiber bundle can be adjusted. As light is
refracted onto the sample liquid surface, a Z-adjustment helps to maximize signal
to noise and minimize crosstalk. The software performs the adjustment
automatically, once the user has selected the corresponding plate type in the
software dialog box.
A fiber guides the light from the sample to the detection unit. Three different fibers
are available for measuring 96, 384 or 1536-well plates.
The orifices in the ceiling of the measurement chamber are designed to receive
as much light as possible from the wells of 96, 384 or 1536-well plates, thus
maximizing the luminescence signal; however, the orifices do not receive
substantial amounts of light from neighboring wells, thereby minimizing crosstalk.
Filter Wheel
A filter wheel in front of the PMT window is switched to the required luminescence
filter channel. The sensitivity of the detection system makes it necessary to
attenuate high luminescence light levels, therefore the filter wheel is also able to
move a neutral density filter (OD2) across the selected fiber exit. This can be
done automatically in all wells that require attenuation by using the attenuation
setting “AUTOMATIC” in the instrument control software. The OD2 attenuation
cannot be manually selected for all measured wells.
Installed filters
OD2 neutral density filter
Green (Chroma-Glo, BRET
Blue 1 (BRET)
Green 1 (BRET)
AlphaScreen (not selectable for luminescence measurements)
AlphaLISA (not selectable for luminescence measurements)
The AlphaScreen and AlphaLISA filters installed in the filter wheel can
only be used for Alpha measurements, not for luminescence
Figure 21 to Figure 26 show the transmission spectra of the different
luminescence filters.