5. Error Messages
ADC overflow in the positive direction
ADC overflow in the negative direction
Display overflow in the positive direction
(higher than 99999)
Display overflow in the negative direction
(lower than -19999)
Input higher than 3.2 mV/V
Input lower than -3.2 mV/V
• Exceeding zero-point adjustable range
• Zero-point adjustment not complete
within the specified time period
Sensor input during calibration higher than
3.2 mV/V
Rated capacity set to 0000
Sensor input lower than adjustable range
(aprrox. 0.28 mV/V)
Negative sensor output during actual load
TEDS-supported sensor not connected
Wrong password for TEDS save operation
Invalid set value
Rated output outside setting range
(lower than 0.28 mV/V or higher than 3.2
Sensor mismatch: different from the sensor
used for TEDS calibration
BV10V unsupported sensor used. BV auto-
set to 2.5 V
Invalid operation
Digital zero limit error
Error other than those shown above
DA output higher than 10.9 V
DA output lower than -10.9 V
C-000 check error (IRAM)
C-001 check error (SRAM)
C-002 check error (EEPROM)
C-003 check error (TEDS)
Not calibrated at the factory
DA not adjusted at the factory
Adjusting zero-point now
• Accessing TEDS now
• Calibrating TEDS now