SDA³ / SDA³ E - Rev.04 - Mar / 22
7. Adjustments and operations
Fertilizer distribution
- The tables on the following pages indicate the obtained amounts using a 1" coil
pitch auger (standard). This auger carries approximately 17 grams of commercial
granulated fertilizer at each turn.
- The tables on the following pages indicate the obtained amounts using a 2" coil
pitch auger (optional). This auger carries approximately 35 grams of commercial
granulated fertilizer per turn.
- The tables on the following pages indicate the obtained amounts using a 3/4" coil
pitch auger (optional). This auger carries approximately 10 grams of commercial
granulated fertilizer per turn.
- The tables for seed and fertilizer distribution should be used as a reference to start
the seeder adjustment. Factors such as the slippage of the seeder wheels (skidding),
working speed, tires inflation, field conditions and so on; can make the values differ
from the ones on the table. Therefore, it is essential to make the practical distribution
tests, as indicated on the 'pratical test for seeds and fertilizer distribution' page.
1" coil pitch auger
1" coil pitch auger
2" coil pitch auger
2" coil pitch auger
3/4" coil pitch auger
3/4" coil pitch auger