Engine Mechanical: For M16A Engine with VVT 1D-41
Cylinder Head Bolt
Measure each thread diameter of cylinder head bolt (1)
at “A” on 83.5 mm (2.81 in.) from seat side of flange bolt
and “B” on 115 mm (4.53 in.) from seat side of flange bolt
by using a micrometer (2).
Then calculate difference in diameters (“A” – “B”). If it
exceeds limit, replace with new one.
Cylinder head bolt diameter measurement points
“a”: 83.5 mm (2.81 in.)
“b”: 115 mm (4.53 in.)
Cylinder head bolt diameter difference (deformation)
Limit (“A” – “B”): 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
Valve Spring Inspection
Valve Spring Free Length and Preload
Referring to data, check to be sure that each spring is in
sound condition, free of any evidence of breakage or
weakening. Remember, weakened valve springs can
cause chatter, not to mention possibility of reducing
power output due to gas leakage caused by decreased
seating pressure.
Valve spring free length
Standard: 36.83 mm (1.450 in.)
Limit: 35.83 mm (1.411 in.)
Valve spring preload
Standard: 107 – 125 N (10.7 – 12.5 kg) for 31.50 mm
(23.6 – 27.6 lb/1.240 in.)
Limit: 102 N (10.2 kg) for 31.50 mm (22.5 lb/1.240 in.)
Spring Squareness
Use a square and surface plate to check each spring for
squareness in terms of clearance between end of valve
spring and square. Valve springs found to exhibit a
larger clearance than limit must be replaced.
Valve spring squareness
Limit: 1.6 mm (0.063 in.)