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Features and How to set parameters
26 May. 2015
Suntech International Ltd.
Confidential Document
9-1-1. Immobilizer
If output type is set to
‘Immobilizer’ or ‘Immobilizer & Auto Active’ and you connect this line to immobilize the
vehicle, the Output line can use the immobilizer.
When the device receives command to activate the immobilizer output, one of the 2 options (
‘Active’or‘Inactive’) will
be selected. Which activation you choose will depend on what mode the vehicle is in a parking mode or in a driving
In case of driving, the immobilizer activation is made in a way of progressive blocking as shown the following
blinking diagram:
The active time of the immobilizer is increased by 90ms each 4s.
Three (3)minutes later, the immobilizer starts being activated and will be activated continuously.
However, in case of parking, as soon as the vehicle is parked, the immobilizer is activated normally.
In a case that the Output type is set to
‘Immobilizer & Auto active’, the output is activated automatically as long as
the vehicle is parked. In such a case the Output is also activated as long as the vehicle starts being in a driving
If the device receives a command to activate the immobilizer output, the output is always activated regardless to a
mode type (either parking mode or driving mode).
9-1-2. Immobilizer2
If output type is set to
‘Immobilizer2’(or ‘Immobilizer2 & Auto Active’), the way how ‘Immobilizer2’(or ‘Immobilizer2 &
Auto Active
’) functions is same as the way how ‘9-1-1. Immobilizer’ functions.
The active time of the
‘Immobilizer2’(or ‘Immobilizer2 & Auto Active’) is increased by 90ms every 2.5 seconds.
One(1) minute later, the immobilizer starts being activated and will be activated continuously.
9-1-3. Alert of Buzzer
In a case that the Output type is set to
‘Buzzer’, the buzzer alerts. The following table shows such cases:
9-1-3-1. Voice Model
Alert Pulse
Incoming Call
When the call is coming.
Outgoing Call
When an outgoing call