14215700-IG, Edition 15.0
May 2020, Original document
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and Media Resource LED Indicators
Below you will find information about LED indicators on the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and
Spectralink DECT Media Resource.
Front Faceplate
The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500/Spectralink DECT Media Resource front cover has one indic-
ator describing the faults and failures of the device. The indicator is off when the Spectralink IP-
DECT Server 6500/Spectralink DECT Media Resource is not powered. The LED flashes when the
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500/Spectralink DECT Media Resource initializes. The indicator is on
when the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500/Spectralink DECT Media Resource is operating.
LED Indicator
Steady green
OK and idle.
Slow green flashing
OK and active voice call.
Fast green flashing
Active, in operation with the maximum active connections (busy).
Slow red flashing
Missing media resource or base station (if it is a media resource:
missing connection to Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500).
Fast red flashing
Steady red
Reset/shutdown in progress.
Steady red for 5 seconds fol-
lowed by fast red flashing
Reset to factory settings.
Front LAN Port
LED Indicator
LINK Indicator - yellow
Link layer software has established connection.
Activity Indicator - green flashing
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Virtual IP-DECT Server One Installation and Configuration Guide