14215700-IG, Edition 15.0
May 2020, Original document
LAN Based Synchronization (License Required)
The LAN based synchronization has several advantages over synchronization via the radio. The con-
figuration is much simpler because no synchronization chains need to be configured and maintained.
Furthermore, the system is self-healing as the system can handle if any base station is failing. Also
using LAN based synchronization, the system can be deployed with fewer base stations, as these
are no longer required to be in the range of each other.
It may, however, not be the ideal solution in all cases. LAN based synchronization requires that the
base stations involved in a handover are on the same network segment and the network deployment
meets a number of strict network quality criteria.
Precision Time Protocol Background
Precision Time Protocol version 2 (PTPv2) is used to synchronize the DECT radios via the LAN.
PTPv2 is defined in the standard IEEE 1588-2008 and a brief introduction can be found here:
PTPv2 is based on a master-slave architecture, where the active master is automatically selected
among the base stations. Each network segment will have one active master and the remaining
base stations will be slaves. If the current master is failing a new one is automatically selected
without disrupting the current synchronization state.
The PTPv2 datagrams are sent as multicast and transported via UDP on IPv4 or IPv6 or as raw Eth-
ernet packets without IP.
The LAN based synchronization is administrated centrally from the web based Administration Page
of the Spectralink IP-DECT Server. The synchronization itself, however, is handled autonomously
by the base stations, and the server is not involved and hence does not need to be on the same net-
work segment.
Configuration Settings through the Web Based Administration Page
A few configuration settings on the web based Administration Page of the Spectralink IP-DECT/Vir-
tual IP-DECT Server are used to control base station synchronization via LAN.
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Virtual IP-DECT Server One Installation and Configuration Guide