14215700-IG, Edition 15.0
May 2020, Original document
Security Configuration - Data protection
Allow unencrypted HTTP
HTTPS is forced by default.
If enabled, HTTP support is supported instead of HTTPS.
: Enabling unencrypted HTTP can cause passwords
and other sensitive data to be transmitted in clear text on
the network.
Enable legacy TLS (Optional)
If enabled, TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1, certificates signed
with the SHA-1 algorithm and CBC based ciphers are sup-
: Enabling legacy TLS is required for security and
interoperability with some older browsers and call hand-
ing platforms.
Allow remote logging
If enabled, remote logging is allowed.
Remote logging allows for Spectralink debug tools to
extract debug information from the unit.
Remove user passwords from
exported data (Optional)
If enabled, users passwords are prevented from being
included when data are exported from the Spectralink IP-
DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server, e.g. when exporting the
user list to XML files or CSV files.
: Enabling this will exclude the user database from
full system backups.
: Once enabled, this setting can only be disabled by a
factory reset (
Factory Reset
) that will
remove all configuration and user data.
3. Click
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Virtual IP-DECT Server One Installation and Configuration Guide