14215700-IG, Edition 15.0
May 2020, Original document
Creating a Handset Configuration XML File
Ensure that you have
for the different configuration groups.
It is recommended to keep a list of the departments (and users) and their assigned hand-
set configuration group.
To create a Handset Configuration XML file containing Group ID, Version number and handset con-
figuration settings from the web based Administration Page, do the following:
1. Click
, and then click
List Users
The list will show all users.
2. On the
User List
page, select the relevant user (the handset must be subscribed to the sys-
tem), and then click
Handset Configuration
to export an existing Handset Configuration
XML file.
3. On the
Handset Configuration Template
page, click
The Handset Configuration XML file is downloaded, and can now be used as a template.
For an example of an exported Handset Configuration XML file, see
Configuration XML File Example" on page 424
4. Open the exported Handset Configuration XML file in a text editor and:
Assign the relevant Group ID and Version number.
Edit/add/hide the desired functionality.
For a complete description of all handset configuration and possible values, see
Functionality in the menu_ elements can be hidden, e.g. menu_main, menu_advanced,
menu_settings etc. When hiding a setting, the setting is locked at the same time. If not hid-
ing a setting, the setting can be edited by the user.
To hide functionality in the handset menu, the relevant data string must contain the fol-
lowing attribute:
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Virtual IP-DECT Server One Installation and Configuration Guide