RPSB 1800/1802 Installation Guide
See SMART Aware.
An obstruction that prevents the flow of light, noise, etc. Baffles are placed in several
locations on the RPSB
to keep external light from affecting the projected image inside the
A frame. A SMART Board is an electronic whiteboard surrounded by a bezel.
Board-aware applications:
Applications written to specifically take advantage of the features
in a SMART Board.
Captive screw:
A screw that is fixed on a spring to prevent it from pulling free from the
material to which it is attached.
A small wheel on a swivel, set under a piece of furniture to make it easy to move. The
casters on RPSB's
have locking tabs.
COM port:
Common abbreviation for communications port. A communication port is a socket
on a computer to which peripheral devices (such as mice and modems) that need to
communicate with the computer are connected.
Hex ball driver:
A screwdriver with a hexagonal-shaped head. A 3/16" hex ball driver may be
shipped with
RPSB, and is used to remove screws from the back of the rear mirror to
transform a system from the transport to the operating position, and back again if necessary.
Alternatively, an L-shaped hex key may be shipped with the RPSB system.
Keystone correction angle:
The angle at which optics inside a projector have been set to
compensate for distortions caused by projecting onto a surface at an angle.
Mini RJ11 connector:
The connector end of a MOD4 cable. A close look at a mini RJ11
connector will reveal four tiny contacts set into four slots. It may also be known as a telephone
handset connector or RJ22.
MOD4 cable:
A flat modular cable consisting of 4 wires covered in a protective sheath. It
connects the SMART Board to the Pen Tray in an RPSB unit.
MOD6 serial cable:
A flat modular cable consisting of 6 wires covered in a protective sheath.
It connects two computer or peripheral devices to allow communication between them. It
connects the Pen Tray to the computer in an RPSB system.
Rear-projection mode (reversed-image mode):
One of several projection modes available
on most projectors. Reversed-image mode transforms the reversed image that results from
projecting from behind the screen surface.
The number of displayed pixels per inch. Common resolutions are 640 x 480, 800
x 600, and 1024 x 768.
RJ11-6 connector:
The connector end of a MOD6 serial cable. A close look at a RJ11-6
connector will reveal six tiny contacts set into six slots. May also be known as an RJ12.
Serial communications port:
A general-purpose computer socket to which you can connect
serial devices, including mice and modems.
Serial port adaptor, 25-pin:
A device that accepts an RJ11-6 connector at one end and
connects to a DB-25 serial port on a computer at the other. The device allows physically
different components to be connected to each other, enabling RPSB users to connect the Pen
Tray to the computer’s DB-25 male serial port.