Sunny Island 4500
Installation & Operating Instructions
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SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
does not exceed approx. 125 A. The active power available at the output port there-
fore depends on the current battery voltage and is P = U
x I
This means, in case of battery voltage of 60 V it is approx. 7000 W. In case that the
load does not fall below this limit after a time of approx. 5 seconds, the Sunny Island
switches off with an error message. But all "problematic loads” should be able to
startup with this power.
In the overload area up to the limit mentioned above, the Sunny Island thermally lim-
its the power. This means, that the device – depending on the ambient temperature,
previous load and level of overload – can provide the power for several minutes or
even hours, before the device is derated or switched off. Another limiting element is
the DC-breaker F1 that might trip, also depending on the ambient temperature, previ-
ous load and level of overload.
However, even in the case, that permanently low ambient temperatures
are assumed, a plant should never be designed in a way that the Sunny
Island 4500 is continuously operated in overload operation. Otherwise, a
reduction of the durability of the device cannot be excluded.