Sunny Island 4500
Installation & Operating Instructions
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SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
In order to be controlled by the Sunny Island this function has to be unlocked in the
ecopower mini combined heat and power units of the company VALENTIN Energie-
und Umwelttechnik GmbH.
The Sunny Island is capable of controlling both, single-phase and three-phase eco-
power mini CHPs.
If one or more CHPs are available in the system, the corresponding values must be
set in the menu „PARGRD“ (3+4). The CHP is controlled via the serial RS232 inter-
face COM3 of the Sunny Island. The communication parameters are set automati-
The menu „BHKW“ (2+5) is primarily used for the display of the CHP’s operating
state. In addition, it can be used for the commissioning of the plant to manually switch
on and off the CHP with special inputs. All inputs are only valid until the menu is quit.
The menu items are:
Menu Item
State, meaning see CHP documentation
Effective power, can be set; sum of all phases
Total power capacity of all connected CHPs
Setpoint of CHP Power required by the Sunny Island, can be set
Operating mode, can be set, meaning see CHP documentation
Table 7.2:
Settings in the menu „BHKW“ (2+5)
As long as PBHKWMAX is zero either no „ecopower Mini-BHKW“ (CHP)
is installed in the system or proper communication is not possible be-
tween Sunny Island and the CHP.