Sunny Island 4500
Installation & Operating Instructions
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SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
11 Island Grids – Examples
This chapter covers basic examples for island grids that can help engineers and in-
stallers to understand island grids based on the Sunny Island. It refers to parameter
settings that usually have to be made in order to operate in a specific configuration.
Due to the fact that the plant configuration can differ from the examples quoted here,
the configuration of the Sunny Island can differ from the parameter settings sug-
gested below. All examples show the wiring only in principle. Additional measures
(such as circuit breakers or special groundings) might be mandatory depending on
local regulations. All wiring diagrams show single-phase systems only. Three-phase
systems can easily be performed accordingly.
A more detailed description of the parameters can be found in Chapter 16.
To be sure that the modified parameters will take effect, please follow the
steps below:
1. Set any parameter that has to be changed.
2. Select „Store Permanent“ in the „FUNCT“ (2+3) menu (alternatively
wait for at least 30 seconds without pressing any buttons).
3. Restart the Sunny Island by selecting “Restart” in the “FUNCT” (2+3)
menu (confirm the appearing question “RESTART ?” with <YES> by