2.17 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional)
SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
C53000-G1176-C169-5, Release date 02.2011
1st reclosure cycle
If working on a line with adaptive dead time, no further parameters are needed for the individual reclose cycles
in this case. All the following parameters assigned to the individual cycles are then superfluous and inaccessi-
is only available if the automatic reclosure is configured with action time in the
operating mode, i. e. if during configuration of the protection functions (see Section address
control mode
Pickup w/ Tact
Trip w/ Tact
was set (the first setting only applies to 3-pole trip-
ping). It determines whether automatic reclosure should be started at all with the first cycle. This address is
included mainly due to the uniformity of the parameters for every reclosure attempt and is set to
for the
first cycle. If several cycles are performed, you can (at
AR control mode
Pickup ...
) set this parameter
and different action times to control the effectiveness of the individual cycles. Notes and examples are listed in
Section 2.17 at margin heading „Action times“.
The action time
) is started after a protection function has triggered the au-
tomatic reclosing function. The trip command must occur during this time. If no trip command is issued until the
action time has expired, reclosing will not be initiated. Depending on the configuration of the protection func-
tions, the action time may also be omitted; this applies especially when an initiating protection function has no
fault detection signal.
Depending on the configured operating mode of the automatic reclosure (address
AR control mode
only address
AR control mode
with TRIP...
) are available or address
AR control mode
with PICKUP ...
AR control mode
with TRIP ...
you can set different dead times for 1-pole and 3-pole reclose cycles.
Whether 1-pole or 3-pole tripping is triggered depends solely on the initiating protection functions. 1-pole trip-
ping is of course only possible if the device and the corresponding protection function are also capable of 1-
pole tripping:
Table 2-14
AR control mode =
with TRIP...
If you only want to allow a 1-pole reclose cycle, set the dead time for 3-pole tripping to
. If you only want to
allow a 3-pole reclose cycle, set the dead time for 1-pole tripping to
, the protection then trips 3-pole for each
fault type.
The dead time after 1-pole tripping (if set)
1.AR Tdead1Trip
) should be long enough for the
short-circuit arc to be extinguished and the surrounding air to be de-ionized so that the reclosure promises to
be successful. The longer the line, the longer is this time due to the charging of the conductor capacitances.
Usual values are 0.9 s to 1.5 s.
For 3-pole tripping (address
1.AR Tdead3Trip
) the network stability is the main concern. Since the
disconnected line cannot transfer any synchronising forces, only a short dead time is often permitted. Usual
values are 0.3 s to 0.6 s. If the device is operating with a synchronism check (compare Section 2.18), a longer
time may be tolerated under certain circumstances. Longer 3-pole dead times are also possible in radial net-
3456 1.AR Tdead1Trip
is the dead time after 1-pole tripping,
3457 1.AR Tdead3Trip
is the dead time after 3-pole tripping.