2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional)
SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
C53000-G1176-C169-5, Release date 02.2011
For the determination of direction, a minimum current 3
and a minimum displacement voltage which can be
set as
are required. If the displacement voltage is too small, the direction can only be determined if it is
polarised with the transformer starpoint current and this exceeds a minimum value corresponding to the setting
. Direction determination with 3U
is blocked if the device detects a fault condition in the voltage transformer
secondary circuit (binary input reports trip of the voltage transformer mcb, „Fuse Failure Monitor“, measured
voltage failure monitoring) or a single-pole dead time.
In order to allow directional determination also during a fault in the secondary circuit of the "normal" voltage
transformers, the broken delta winding U
can additionally be connected, in combination with a separate VT
miniature circuit breaker (address
U4 transformer
Udelta transf.
). When this VT miniature circuit
breaker trips for the U
transformer (no. 362
), the system switches automatically to the zero-
sequence voltage calculated from the "normal" voltage transformers.
Directional determination with 3·U
is possible as long as the calculated zero-sequence voltage is not disturbed
as well. The calculated zero-sequence voltage is deemed to be disturbed if the VT miniature circuit breaker has
tripped (binary input no. 361
„>FAIL:Feeder VT“
), or if the "fuse failure monitor" or the measuring voltage
monitoring have picked up.
Figure 2-110
Directional characteristic of the earth fault protection
Determination of direction for long lines
In case of forward faults on very long lines, the zero-sequence voltage required for determination of direction
may become very small. The reason for this is the high ratio between the zero-sequence impedance of the line
and the infeed (source).
In the case of reverse faults, however, the zero-sequence voltage cannot drop that low if at the same time the
zero-sequence current exceeds the set pickup level; refer also to Figure 2-117.
For this reason, the system may automatically indicate a "forwards" direction when the zero-sequence voltage
drops below the threshold value
3U0< forward