SIPROTEC, 7SD5, Manual
C53000-G1176-C169-5, Release date 02.2011
PROFIBUS address
Within a PROFIBUS network a unique PROFIBUS address has to be assigned to each SIPROTEC 4 device.
A total of 254 PROFIBUS addresses are available for each PROFIBUS network.
Content-wise, a project is the image of a real power supply system. Graphically, a project is represented as a
number of objects which are integrated in a hierarchical structure. Physically, a project consists of a number of
directories and files containing project data.
Protection devices
All devices with a protective function and no control display.
Frequent addition and deletion of objects results in memory areas that can no longer be used. By reorganizing
projects, you can release these memory areas again. However, a cleanup also reassigns the VD addresses.
The consequence is that all SIPROTEC 4 devices have to be reinitialized.
RIO file
Relay data Interchange format by Omicron.
Serial interfaces RS232, RS422/485
SCADA Interface
Rear serial interface on the devices for connecting to a control system via IEC or PROFIBUS.
Service port
Rear serial interface on the devices for connecting DIGSI (for example, via modem).
Setting parameters
General term for all adjustments made to the device. Parameterization jobs are executed by means of DIGSI
or, in some cases, directly on the device.
Single point indication
Single point indication transient
Transient information,
Single point indication
The SICAM WinCC operator control and monitoring system displays the state of your network graphically, vi-
sualizes alarms, interrupts and indications, archives the network data, offers the possibility of intervening man-
ually in the process and manages the system rights of the individual employee.