8.2 Inputs and outputs of the ATC6500
3KC ATC6500 transfer control device
Manual, 05/2019, L1V30538268002A-01
Designation on the ATC6500 Description
Supplies power to the siren for the acoustic signal.
Operating mode
Operating mode
This output is enabled if the ATC is in one of the oper-
ating modes set with parameter P14.03.
OFF mode
Operating mode OFF
Enabled if the ATC is in the OFF mode.
MAN mode
Operating mode MAN
Enabled if the ATC is in the manual mode.
AUT mode
Operating mode AUT
Enabled if the ATC is in the AUT mode.
TEST mode
TEST mode
Enabled if the ATC is in the TEST mode.
Remote variable REM (x)
Output controlled by remote variable REMx (x=1..8).
Limit threshold LIM (x)
Output controlled by the status of the limit threshold
LIM(x), (x=1..16); defined by the Index parameter.
Dummy load Source 1
Dummy load 1
This output is enabled if the automatic test is per-
formed with dummy load.
Dummy load Source 2
Dummy load 2
This output is enabled if the automatic test is per-
formed with dummy load.
Load to Source 1
SRC1 conn. to load
The output is enabled if the Source 1 breaker is closed
and the load is therefore supplied via Source 1.
SRC2 conn. to load
Load to SRC2
The output is enabled if the Source 2 breaker is closed
and the load is therefore supplied via Source 2.
Alarms A01-Axx
This output is enabled if the alarm Axx is active
(xx=1…Number of alarms) To do this a function index
must be set using parameter P13.n.02. Example: The
output should be active if Alarm 5 is active. This means
the function index 5 must be selected.
Alarms UA1..UAx
This output is enabled if the alarm Uax is active
(x=1…8) To do this a function index must be set using
parameter P13.n.02.
Timer TIMx
This output is enabled if the Timer TIMx is active
(x=1…8) To do this a function index must be set using
parameter P13.n.02.
Pre-transfer load 1
Pre-transfer 1
This output is enabled before switching from one
source to another. For this purpose both sources must
be available. The time is defined in parameter P02.32.
Post-transfer Load 1
Post-transfer 1
This output is enabled after switching from one source
to another. The time is defined in parameter P02.33.
Pre-transfer load 2
Pre-transfer 2
As above, but relating to Source 2
Post-transfer load 2
Post-transfer 2
As above, but relating to Source 2
Close tie breaker TB/NPL
Tie brea-npl 1 close
Close command for the TB or NPL tie breaker.
Open tie breaker TB/NPL
Tie breaker Tie brea-npl 1
Command to open the breaker with possible spring
Undervoltage release of tie
breaker TB/NPL
Min coil tie brea. 1
Controls the undervoltage release by opening the tie
breaker before the spring load cycle.
Synchronization of Source 1 <->
Source 2
Synchron. SRC1<->2
This output is active when the synchronism of the
sources is being measured.
Synchronization of Source 1 <->
Synch. OK SRC1 <->2
This output is active when the state of synchronism
has been attained.