Version 8 dated 15.03.00
Siemens Information and Communication Products
Read SMS message without set to REC READ .......................................... 119
Set or query of microphone attenuation ....................................................... 122
Set or query of audio output (= loudspeaker path) parameters .................... 125
Browse the phonebook alphabetically ........................................................... 73
Steps the selected phonebook alphabetically ................................................. 75
Read entry from the preferred operator list .................................................. 127
Write an entry to the preferred operator list ................................................. 128
Change password for a lock (including Siemens-defined locks) ................. 130
Set some unsolicited result codes ................................................................. 134
Mobile originated call to dial a number and call of supplementary services . 30
Originate call to phone number <n> in memory <mem> .............................. 33
Originate call to phone number in current memory ....................................... 34
Originate call to phone number in memory with corresp. alphanum. field ... 35
Mobile originated call to dialable ISDN number <n> ................................... 36
Dial stored phone number in ME-phonebook ................................................ 38
Display product identification information .................................................... 39
Switch from command mode to data mode ................................................... 39
Set number of rings before automatically answering the call ........................ 40
Set disconnect delay after indicating the absence of data carrier .................. 42
Set pause length for Hayes ESC sequence ..................................................... 42
Set command line termination character ........................................................ 40
Set number of seconds to wait for connection completion ............................ 41
Set number of seconds to wait when comma dial modifier ........................... 41
Set CONNECT result code format and call monitoring ................................ 43
Set all current parameters to user defined profile .......................................... 43