Operating Instructions
SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved
Capture area
Zone which the ICR890 System sets up around a moving code using the increment manager
and the code position comparison. Allows, among other functions, the separation of codes
with identical content, where the code type is the same.
Code geometry
Code length and height dimensions.
Code position (CP value)
Position of the first dark strip of a recognized bar code along the
red illumination line.
Recorded by the ICR890 System in the mapped memory and used, e.g., for the separation
of bar codes with identical data contents. For the
decoding process, the active analysis
area within the illumination line can be restricted application-specifically by presetting the
minimum and maximum CP values.
Command strings, commands
An alternative to the SOPAS-ET Configuration Software. User interface to the ICR890
System. A simple yet clearly structured command language for online modification of the
parameter set in the ICR890 System. Directly accesses the command interpreter of the
ICR890 System. Use of the host requires a corresponding programming task.
The SOPAS-ET Configuration Software is based on the command strings.
Configuration file
SOPAS-ET Configuration Software file in which a complete
parameter set of the ICR890
System is stored for archiving. Can be printed out as a table.
Data forwarding
Possibility to transparently forward data sent from the host via the ICR890 System to a
terminal using identifying information. The direction can also be reversed. The function also
permits data received at one of the serial interfaces to be immediately sent, unaltered, via
the same interface (echo).
Application: Forwarding reading results or reading pulse commands in pass through mode,
e.g. for master/slave combination.
Data output string
Structured data telegram of the
reading result, generated on the
Host/CAN or Ethernet
interface. The design is flexible and can be widely adapted to the subsequent data
processing requirements. However, the data output format of the
Aux interface cannot
be altered.
Decoder, decoding
From the code type-dependent analysis routine to reconstruction of the codes read in
electronic form, in order to decipher the data content.