9/20/17, 8*58 AM
Shure Publications | User Guides | ULX-D Dual and Quad Z16-20
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entered in the receiver.
Identify Device Feature
The Dante controller's Identify Device feature flashes the
front panel LEDs of a selected receiver to provide
identification when multiple receivers are in use.
Open the Device
View in the Dante controller and click on
the identify icon (eye). The front panel LEDs of the
selected receiver will respond by flashing.
Configuring Audio Routes with the Dante
Devices that appear in the Dante controller are
categorized as "Transmitters" and "Receivers"
In order for audio to flow in the network, audio routes
(subscriptions) must be configured between transmitters
and receivers.
Note: ULX-D receivers will appear in the Dante controller as a
Transmitter. Devices that have both inputs and outputs commonly
appear as both transmitters and receivers.
Dante Transmitters
Devices that send or add audio into the network such as:
Receiver Outputs
Amplifier Outputs
Mixer Outputs
Signal Processor Outputs
Recorder Playback Outputs
Dante Receivers
Devices that receive audio from the network such as:
Amplifier Inputs