G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
Administration of Users
In the mode “Workgroup internal LDAP” the category “Users” serves as a data entry mask for user
accounts. In principal, the process is the same as when you create shares. Enter new users here and
assign each of them a name and a password. For security reasons, you have to enter the passwords
Function: Create new user fig 3.2.3i
To create user, enter name, password, retype password and press create button.
User name cannot:
contain characters: ~ ! @ # $ ^ & ( ) + [ ] { } * ; : ' " ., ; % | < > ? / \ = `,
begin or end with a space.
Password cannot:
contain characters: ' " `,
If users forget their password, there is no way to retrieve it. You can only set a new password.
Figure 3.2.3i