G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
RAID 5 Parity drive protected RAID allows a drive to go bad without the loss of all RAID data. Once the
bad drive has been detected, set that unit [drive] as failed by marking the proper checkbox (in the
column F) and click on Apply button.
To delete any unit from an array mark proper checkbox (in the column R) and click on Remove button.
RAID 6 Dual Parity drive protected RAID allows a drive to go bad without the loss of all RAID data.
Once the bad drive has been detected, set that unit [drive] as Failed by marking the proper checkbox
(in the column F) and click on Apply button.
To delete any unit from an array mark proper checkbox (in the column R) and click on Remove button.
RAIDs notation:
PR - priority in array - describes priority of unit that will be added to array if another is set to Faulty.
F - failed - unit will failed in the RAID array
R - hot remove - unit can be removed from array without shutting down the system.
ST - describes state of unit in array, which can be:
A - This means that Unit is active in array
* - Number of Unit that belongs to the array
S - Spare or spare rebuilding - this means that unit is free and can be added to the
array or is free and currently is rebuilding.
There is no possibility to set any unit as failed if the RAID is degraded or during the resync/rebuild
While using RAID 1 and RAID 5 there is possibility to set only one disk from active as failed. This does
not apply to Spare units in the array.
Note: Only one disk in the RAID Array can be set as Failed or Removed at a time.
Function: Info fig 3.1.5d
This function allows you to obtain RAID information like Creation Time, RAID Level, Array and Device
Size, Update Time and state.
Note: During syncing or rebuilding of the array it is recommended to perform as few disk
operations as possible. Status of the RAID while it is syncing/rebuilding will be displayed as "live" – and
is refreshed automatically.