G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
Function: Group shares access fig 3.2.3p
Here you can assign certain groups access to specific shares. First select the group under the
‘Groups’ heading in the left pane, then a list of available shares is displayed in the Group shares
access pane. Select the shares you want to assign to this group and move them using the
To remove the access from this group, select the shares and click the button
Note: You can use following keyboard keys in the lists (first set focus to desired list):
“Home”: jump to the first,
“End”: jump to the last,
“Shift” + arrow key: for multi-select,
“letter key”: jump to the first position starting with pressed key.
Function: Users group membership fig 3.2.3p
While connected to local LDAP users and groups database this function allows you to view and change
user membership to specific groups.
To assign users to this group, select users from “
Available users
” list and click on
button. To
remove membership from a user select users from the Members list and click on
Figure 3.2.3p