G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
Administration of Groups
In the mode “Workgroup internal LDAP,” you can define entire groups consisting of different users. In
addition, you can assign these groups certain access rights. By clicking on “Groups,” a data entry mask
opens up, allowing you to create a new group. Assigning the access rights is done the same way as for
In the modes “Workgroup (external LDAP)” and “Windows (PDC)” and “Windows (ADS)” the groups are
automatically synchronized with the external server.
Note: a maximum of 65536 users and groups are supported with the Galaxy NAS LX5 LDAP
and ACL
Function: Create new group fig 3.2.3n
To create a group, enter its name and press
Note: Group name cannot contain special characters
such as: ~ ! @ # $ ^ & ( ) + [ ] { } * ; : ' " . , % | < > ? / \ = `,
Or begin or end with a space.
Function: GID mappings (upload/download) fig 3.2.3n
This function allows you to upload and download GIDs (group IDs).
Using this function you will be able to modify multiple group IDs at the same time.
Figure 3.2.3n