G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
Function: Failover Configuration fig 3.1.2c
This section allows you to configure your system as either the Primary or the Secondary node.
Primary node on localhost:
Secondary node IP
- designates the IP of the system which has already been configured as the
Secondary node.
Warn time
- specifies how much time (in seconds) should elapse until the failover functionality issues a
Dead time
- sets the failure (death) detection time. The dead time directive is used to specify how
quickly the system should decide if a node in a failover is dead.
Dead time must be smaller or equal to Init time.
Init time
- sets the initial dead time detection interval. The init time parameter is used to set the time
which elapses until a failover node is declared dead and the Secondary node becomes the Primary. If
the Primary node becomes available before the init time runs out, the state of the failover nodes will not
Keep alive time
- sets the failover keep-alive interval, i.e. the frequency at which failover state packets
are sent between nodes.
Secondary node on localhost:
Primary node IP
- designates the IP of the system which will be configured as the Primary node.
Ping node IP:
A ping node is a pseudo-member of a failover. It is located outside of the failover and serves to answer
ICMP requests from failover members. (this means the ping node
be either the primary or the
secondary node). It is there to make sure the outside connection for the failover members remains
online. For instance, if the ICMP request from the active node to the ping node fails, a similar request is
Figure 3.1.2c