G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
3.2.5 Configuration “FC Target Manager” Menu Functions
These functions let you configure Fibre Channel operations. All these operations are accomplished by
using tree diagrams on the left side. This will help you manage FC groups and storage volumes.
Here you can view list of all Fibre Channel Groups.
NOTE Group Default is a public group. If some WWN belongs to another group than public, then this
WWN will not have access to this public group and only will have access to the group where it's
assigned to.
Function: Create new group fig 3.2.5a
To create a group enter its name and click button apply.
A group name is considered case-insensitive. Every character entered will be converted to low-case.
Only a-z 0-9 . - and : chars are allowed.
Function: Add group volumes fig 3.2.5b
This function lets manage free and already assigned FC logical volumes. To assign a volume to the
group click the “Add” button associated with that volume. Similarly to remove already assigned volume
from the group click "Remove". In certain circumstances you may need to adjust the LUN of the volume
you are about to add. Normally, however, the LUN assignment is taken care of for you automatically.
You should leave the default values.
Figure 3.2.5a