G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
To upload GIDs:
find the configuration file
(format:group_name;gid) by pressing the
This file should be encoded in UTF-8,,
press the
button to upload GID mappings,,
if you encounter errors while importing GIDs please examine the gid_mappings_import.log file in the log
package (available via STATUS
Function: Logs).
Warning: current GID mappings will be overwritten. Press "download" button
to download gid_mappings.csv.
Then by clicking on group name e.g. “administrators”, you will see all available functions helpful for
setting the groups:
Function: Quota for groups (upload/download) fig 3.2.3n
This function allow you to import and export group quota mappings.
To upload a quota:
locate the configuration file quota_groups.csv (encoding: UTF-8; format: group;quota - in kbytes) by
pressing Browse
press the button to upload quota configurations for groups
if you encounter errors while uploading the quota, please examine the quota_groups_import.log file in
the log package (available via STATUS -> Hardware -> Function: Logs).
Warning: Current settings will be overwritten. Press Export to download