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Which OS is supported by NewCreatorK?
1. Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.
2. Windows 98, Windows XP, MAC, Linux are not supported.
How can I uninstall NewCreatorK (for installing a new version)?
1. Run the uninstall file inside the NewCreatorK folder.
2. If you do not uninstall, the previous settings will remain and cause a malfunction.
The external USB drive does not work on Dr. INVIVO.
1. Make sure you have at least one G-Code file available in the drive.
2. Check the external USB drive type. Use the FAT method.
3. Clean any dust or residuals in the port of the external USB drive.
4. Check the external USB drive capacity. Dr. INVIVO can read up to
2 gigabytes.
5. All file names must be in English.
I want to copy files to the internal memory when printing using an external USB drive?
1. When you print from an external USB drive, each file is automatically copied and saved onto the internal memory.
2. Manually copying files onto the internal memory is possible via USB cable or Wi-Fi.
How do I turn on/off the chamber LED light?
1. LED on/off is available in the Dr. INVIVO LCD settings.
2. LED on/off is also available in the NewCreatorK setting of the PC.