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How do I use parameters in “Retraction” on NewCreatorK slicing settings?
1. Retraction Speed (mm/s) : Speed at which material is retracted
2. Retraction Distance (mm) : Distance the material retracts at each retraction point (printing over non-printing area)
3. Distance (mm, nozzle change) : Distance the material retracts at a dispenser change (in case of dual-printing)
4. Minimum Travel (mm) : Minimum distance required to travel over non-printed area before retraction occurs (for prints that
require frequent retraction)
5. Minimum Extrusion (mm) : Distance at which retraction occurs if the movement exceeds the minimum extrusion amount
6. Z Hop (mm) : Printhead gets raised up a certain distance over Z-axis when retraction occurs
7. Z Hop (mm, Nozzle Change) : Z Hop at a dispenser change
8. Hop Speed (mm/s) : Speed at which the printhead hops
How do I use parameters in “Quality” on NewCreatorK slicing settings?
1. Shell thickness (mm) : Thickness of the outer shell.
2. Initial layer height (mm) : Z-leveling. How far away you start the print from the floor
3. Line Width Ratio (%) : Determines overlap between the infills
4. Cut off object bottom (mm) : Distance at the object gets suck into the platform (useful for objects that don’t have a flat bottom)
5. Cut off object top (mm) : Distance at the top part of the object being cut
6. Load before Print (mm) : Sets the distance to load before printing
7. Retraction Distance (mm, Cancel or Finish) : Sets the distance which the material retracts after canceling or printing
How do I update the firmware and software to the latest versions?
1. Go to the ROKIT Healthcare Support-Download page:
2. When using the USB memory stick: On INVIVO LCD screen, go to Settings – Printer – Update
3. When using the PC: Connect the PC to the printer – On NewCreator K software, go to Connect – Print Info – Update