Reference Manual Rev 1.13
Page 139
24. Appendix 7: M4501 DSD Module
24.1. Overview
The M4501 DSD module provides alibi memory along with custom string support.
The information in this appendix applies only to indicators fitted with this module.
24.2. Writing records
A record will be stored in the DSD whenever a traceable weight is generated, A
traceable weight is only generated when a print of type RECORD or DOCKET
occurs, and only for TOTAL values of NONE or ADD. For more information on print
setup see sections 12.7 PRINT (Printouts)on page 74 and 16 Printing on page 100.
The DSD will also be written when a print occurs in alibi mode.
If a custom string is set then it will be stored along with the traceable weight. The
custom string accepts all print tokens. For more information on the custom string
and auto clear settings see section 12.2.6 DSD.HW on page 62.
24.3. Reading records
The records can be viewed in alibi mode or read through the communications
interface. For more information on viewing DSD records in alibi mode see section
5.14 Alibi on page 34. View400 can be used to retrieve the records from the
instrument or you can manually send communications commands to the instrument.
For a list of registers relating to reading DSD record via the comms interface see
section 20 Appendix 3: Communications Registers on page 123.
The reply to a DSD record read command will look like the following example:
81108295:1,2009/08/04,11:12:24, 2000,kg,GROSS, 0,kg,TARE,
This response is comma separated and contains the following data:
Response header: record ID, date, time, weight, units, gross/net, tare weight, tare
units, tare/P.tare., alternate weight, alternate units, piece count, piece units, custom
If the custom string DSD.STR: \BA\D7,\C9 is set then the reply will be:
81108295:2,2009/08/04,12:12:08, 950,kg,NET, 50,kg,P.TARE, 2095,lb, 6,p
See section 19.3 Tokens on page 117 for information on the print tokens used in the
above example.