SCT-1100 Weight Transmitter
Converter Channel Switching Command
Instrument answer: [CC]OK<CR LF> if the CGCH command has been received.
In which: N is the number of the channel on which to position the instrument
Test Command
Instrument response: [CC]ECHO<CR LF>
Print Command
Instrument answer: [CC]OK<CR LF> if the command has been received; no answer for the P command; the
instrument’s response does not mean necessarily that the instrument executes the printout.
Tare Insertion Command
In which: VVVVVV is the manual tare value with the decimal point, from 1 to 6 characters; the non significant
zeros can be omitted.
Instrument answer: [CC]OK<CR LF> if the command has been received; no answer for the W command; the
instrument’s response does not mean necessarily that the instrument executes the tare.
Command for Viewing Temporary Message on the Display
In which:
• NN is the instrument display number, standard 00 (ASCII hex)
• V is the message:
• if present it is shown on the NN display
• if not present, the command interrupts the possible visualization enabled using a previous DISP
command, restoring the visualization of the weight data.
If the display shown in the command is numeric (for example the standard display 00) and in the transmitted
message there are two consecutive points, the message is stopped after the first of the two points. When the
display is showing a message transmitted serially through the DISP command, the instrument does not
display those messages usually shown in the scale status (ZERO, TARE, HOLD, etc.).
Instrument response: [CC]OK<CR LF>
The message remains for the time set through the DINT command
The ASCII characters having the decimal code greater than 31 are accepted.
Command for Setting Display Visualization Interval
In which: NNNN is the visualization interval (in milliseconds), expressed in ASCII hex character; for example, in
order to set a visualization time of 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds, which converted into hex it becomes 07D0), the
command becomes [CC]DINT07D0<CR><LF>.
By setting a time equal to zero, the message transmitted with the DISP command remains permanently shown on
the display.
Instrument response: [CC]OK<CR LF>
PC Confirmation Command
The instrument shows on the display the
message for about 2 seconds.
Instrument response: [CC]OK<CR LF>.