Observe the restrictions in conjunction with the commutation off‐
set determination when using synchronous motors! See firmware
documentation, chapter "Drive Control", "Commutation Setting".
Possibly available reluctance property cannot be used for syn‐
chronous third-party motors! For third-party motors, it is impossi‐
ble to determine fail-safe motor parameter values for using the re‐
luctance property. The respective bit of "P‑0‑4014, Type of con‐
struction of motor" therefore mustn't be set!
Requirements on Third-Party Motors
General Information
For successful and fail-safe use of a third-party motor, check
whether the third-party motor to be controlled satisfies the voltage loads
which controller, including supply, is suitable due to the motor power to
be delivered
whether the third-party motor has the required minimum inductance
whether the motor can be protected against inadmissible temperature
rise in the case of overload (temperature evaluation)
whether the mounted position measuring system can be evaluated by
the drive controller or which position measuring system can be selected
for kit motors
Voltage Load of the Third-Party Motor
The voltage load of the insulation system of a motor occurring in practical ap‐
plication is mainly influenced by the following characteristics:
The output variables of the drive controller which is used (feed the trans‐
mission distance)
Cable parameters depending on cable design and length (determine the
properties of the transmission distance, such as the attenuation)
The motor design regarding capacitive and inductive properties (form
the end of the transmission distance)
As a result of the variables, the insulation system of the third-party motor, as
regards voltage, is loaded by the following values:
Peak voltage U
Voltage change dv/dt
The occurring peak voltages at the motor are caused by reflections in the mo‐
tor cable. The insulation of the motor is thereby loaded with other peak vol‐
tages and voltage changes than the ones occurring at the output of the pow‐
er section.
Determine the occurring voltage load at the terminals of the third-
party motor in the application with all involved components.
Using the HMF Motor Filter
Use voltage-reducing components (e.g. motor filter HMF), if one of the follow‐
ing criteria applies:
Allowed voltage change (dv/dt) of third-party motor: < 5 kV/μs
Allowed peak voltage (crest value) of third-party motor between phase-
phase and phase-housing: < 1,500 V
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Drive Systems with HMV01/02 HMS01/02, HMD01, HCS02/03
Third-Party Motors at Rexroth IndraDrive Controllers