Operating the R&S
User Manual 1178.7200.02 ─ 04
The limits for the normalization of the reflection measurement are universal, not
3. Verify the reflection measurement.
a) Put the metal plate with cut-outs labeled D into the frame.
b) Initiate a measurement.
c) Remove the metal plate from the frame.
The resulting image should show a clear image of the verification object. The
patterns should be clearly visible.
Verification OK
Verification not OK
4. If you are using the transmitter module:
Normalize the transmission measurement.
a) Remove all objects in front of the R&S
QAR (except for the table and the
b) Select "Normalize Transmission" to initiate a free-space measurement.
The resulting trace should be a straight line at approximately 0
dB attenuation.
5. If you are using the transmitter module:
Verify the transmission measurement.
a) Put the plastic plate labeled A into the frame.
b) Initiate a measurement.
c) Remove the plastic plate from the frame.
d) Do the same for the other two plastic plates labeled B and C.
After each measurement, check the mean transmission loss against the limits a
and a
specified on the stickers attached to the verification plates. The sticker
shows the attenuation characteristics of the plate and the deviation the result may
Each sticker contains two values.
Radome Measurements