Device Type Manager (DTM)
PROFIBUS DPV0/DPV1 Master or Slave to EtherNet/IP™ or Modbus® Gateway
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 149 of 196
Once the DTM pack is installed, the selected FDT Frame would need to have its
DTM Catalogue updated. The steps required for this action are slightly different for
each FDT frame. Typically, one selects the DTM Catalogue or Device Catalogue and
select Refresh or rebuild.
After the catalogue has been updated, the PLX51-PBM device can then be added to
a new project. This involves selecting the Add Device function and then selecting the
PLX51-PBM DTM. The example below makes use of PACTware FDT frame.
Figure 7.2
– Adding new device
Figure 7.3
– Selecting PLX51-PBM DTM