PROFIBUS DPV0/DPV1 Master or Slave to EtherNet/IP™ or Modbus® Gateway
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 84 of 196
This L5X file can now be imported in to the Studio 5000 project by right-clicking on a
and selecting
, and then
Import Routine
Figure 3.113
– Importing the L5X file into Studio 5000
In the file open dialog select the previously created L5X file and accept the import by
pressing Ok.
The import will create the following:
Mapping Routine
Multiple UDT (User-Defined Data Types)
Multiple Controller Tags
Since the imported mapping routine is not a Main Routine, it will need to be called
from the current Main Routine.
Figure 3.114
– Calling the mapping routine