PROFIBUS DPV0/DPV1 Master or Slave to EtherNet/IP™ or Modbus® Gateway
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 56 of 196
Slot Configuration
– Logix Specific
When using Logix as the Primary Interface, the PROFIBUS Data Points will be
packed and padded to match a device specific UDT. All the Inputs will be collated
together and then all the Outputs.
IMPORTANT: It is important that the Data Point Descriptions do not contain any illegal characters and
are not duplicated within a device. Failing to do so will create errors when generating and importing the
mapping L5X into Studio 5000.
Figure 3.61
– Slot configuration – Logix Example
Slot Configuration
– Modbus Specific
When using Modbus as the Primary Interface, it is important to configure the Modbus
Register Type and Modbus Offset correctly to ensure that multiple Data Points are
not mapped to the same Modbus data area.
Figure 3.62
– Slot configuration – Modbus Example
IMPORTANT: It is important that the Data Point Register Type and Modbus Offset does not result in
multiple Data Points overlapping. Such conflicts will cause unexpected results.
IMPORTANT: It is important that the Data Point Register Type is appropriate for the Data Type, Type
(Input/Output) and Modbus interface type (Master/Slave).
IMPORTANT: The range of configured Modbus registers for each register type may not exceed 10,000.
To simplify the Modbus register assignment process, the user can select the
Modbus from Here
option, after right-clicking on a particular mapped item. Once the
assignment process is complete, all the mapped items below, and including, the
selected item will be updated.
Figure 3.63
– Slot configuration – Selecting Assign Modbus from Here option