PROFIBUS DPV0/DPV1 Master or Slave to EtherNet/IP™ or Modbus® Gateway
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 162 of 196
Min Token Hold Time
The minimum time (in microseconds) the PLX51-PBM held the
Last Response Time
In a Multi DP Master system, this is the time it took (in
microseconds) to respond to the last token passed from another
DP Master.
Max Response Time
In a Multi DP Master system, this is the maximum time it took (in
microseconds) to respond to a token passed from another DP
Min Response Time
In a Multi DP Master system, this is the minimum time it took (in
microseconds) to respond to a token passed from another DP
FB Fault Count
The number of fieldbus faults that have occurred (e.g. devices
going offline, corrupted packets, etc.)
Device Fault Count
The number of slave device faults that have occurred (e.g. device
stops communicating during data exchange).
Acyclic Request Client Count
The number of times more than 10 acyclic requests needed to be
buffered in which case the PLX51-PBM will reject the 11
Token Pass Retry Count
In a Multi DP Master system, this is the number of times the token
pass from the PLX51-PBM had to be retransmitted because the
receiving DP Master did not respond in time.
Token Pass Fail Count
When the number of consecutive Token Pass Retries reaches the
configured token pass retry count after which that DP Master will
be assumed as offline.
Unexpected Packet Received
The number of times a response is received from a slave device
that was not expected (e.g. incorrect response, response from a
different node, etc.).
FB Inactivity Count
The number of times the PLX51-PBM has determined that there
are no other DP Masters on the PROFIBUS network.
Duplicate Station Detect Count
The number of times the PLX51-PBM has detected that there is
another station on the network with the same station address as
the local PLX51-PBM.
Invalid Response Length Count
The number of times a response is received from a slave device
where the length is not correct (for example if the slave device is
configured to provide 10 bytes of process data and only 5 bytes are
returned during data exchange).
FDL Fault Count
The number of Data Link Layer function code faults received.
This occurs when the remote PROFIBUS device rejects a function
request, e.g. if the device is not in the correct state, or if it does not
support that function.
A list of FDL errors is tabulated in chapter 9.
Extract Alarm Success Count
The number of alarms that have successfully been extracted from
slave devices.
Extract Alarm Fail Count
The number of alarms that have not
successfully been extracted
from slave devices.
Initialize Parameter Set Success
The number of parameters that have successfully been set after
the device has been configured for data exchange.
Initialize Parameter Set Fail Count
The number of parameters that have failed to set after the device
has been configured for DPV0 data exchange.
Device Reconfigure Count
The number of times a slave device has been (re)configured for
DPV0 data exchange.
Device Reparameterize Count
The number of times a slave device has been (re)parameterized
for DPV0 data exchange.
Ext Diag Overflow Count
The number of times a slave device has returned diagnostics data
that could not fit into a single PROFIBUS frame.